Sunday, February 20, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I walk alone. I walk alone. There is heavy cloud cover in the skies. It's getting darker and darker. The thunder is getting closer and closer. Why am i wearing shorts? I walk alone. I walk alone. Someone is at the other end of the street. There dark eyes staring down at me. You could hear a pin drop it is so quiet. There is a poster of a rap concert on the wall covered in graffiti. Graffiti is everywhere, gangs trying to claim there territory. I walk alone. I walk alone. The shadow creeps closer and closer to me. A bussiness card blows with the wind. Glass is all over the ground from shattered windows. It starts to rain. I walk alone. I walk alone. Casings of ammo cover the sidewalks. As do red and blue bandannas on each end of the street. The person passes by deep in thought of what had just happened. I walk alone. I walk alone. Voices in my head fighting back and forth like a bout between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. You can feel the sadness in the air. Dreams being shattered. Will new ones come to life? I walk alone. I walk alone.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. I laughed out loud (okay, I exhaled through my nose) when I read the line: Why am I wearing shorts?

    I could see your boulevard. The graffiti and the colors and the sounds. It didn't feel like it was YOUR boulevard of broken dreams though. noticed these things happening, but they weren't exactly happening TO YOU. I don't know if that makes sense. The sadness in the air didn't seem to belong to you, it was just in the air. The dreams being shattered weren't necessarily your dreams.
